The Synagogue
Beit Yaakov Synagogue has 108 seats for men and 102 seats for women. Our services follow Sephardic Minhag of Aleppo. We have services for Shabbat and we have Monday and Thursday Minyans.
Minyans on other days may be arranged upon request with our Rabbi.
We also have services on all Jewish holidays, schedules will be posted in accordance to the holiday.
The services are in Hebrew but we have books available with translation to English. We also have classes in Torah which are in English.

Bachrach Hall -
The Events Space
Bachrach Hall, named after Emil Bachrach, is a large multifunctional events space within the compound of Beit Yaakov synagogue.
Inside Bachrach Hall we cater meals for Shabbat, Events including Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, Brit Milas, and Weddings.
The space may also be rented upon request to host an array of events.
Inside Bachrach Hall we also have the only kosher supermarket where we sell items imported from Israel and the United States. We also sell fruits and vegetables from local farmers in The Philippines.
Bachrach Hall is also used as a breakfast, lunch and dinner space for dine-in customers.
Kosher Kitchens
We have two fully equipped Kosher kitchens which are supervised by our Rabbi and Rabbanit.
The first kitchen is for breads, cakes and dairy. The second kitchen is for meat. They are on separate floors. All of our kitchen staff are culinary school graduates and who are well knowledged in kosher cooking with the supervision of our Rabbi and Rabbanit.
We have continual education and classes to ensure our staff are well informed about all Kosher requirements.
We serve over 3,000 meals a month, This includes takeout and dine-in meals, holidays and meals for tour groups where we also send food around the country.
We also provide Kosher Meals to Philippine Airlines
Our Rabbi is a Mashgiach.

The Library
We have the largest Jewish library in South East Asia, the library may be used for studying or for prayers.
We have hundreds of Jewish books available to read in the comfort of our library.
We also have Wi-Fi, coffee and tea available upon request.
The Mikveh
We have the only Mikveh in The Philippines which may be used upon request to our Rabbanit
who is the Baalanit.

Gan Etz HaHaim
Gan Etz Hahaim was founded in 2011 and is supervised by the Rabbi and Rabbanit.
We use a blended learning system which incorporates STEM to Jewish Education. Preschool children learn about the Jewish holidays, Torah and other parts of Judaism through the lens of STEM.
We have teachers who are graduates of Education who teach our children under the supervision of the Rabbi and Rabbanit.
We have also integrated Minecraft Education as a learning module for Jewish Holidays for children to learn through technology and play.
Yizkor Wall
The Yizkor wall is a widely observed Jewish tradition to commemorate the passing of a relative or a loved one on a wall with name plaques.
Beside each name plaque is a singular light which is illuminated on the anniversary of the departed.

Our Cemetery
Located a short drive away from the Synagogue we have the only Jewish Cemetery in The Philippines. The Cemetery was founded in 1925 and has over 360 Jews buried.
We have Chevra Kadisha and perform Tahara